
Tradehit offers a comprehensive service concept for the store environment.

From merchandising to sales services.
From observational data and technology services to store renovations.

We believe that the best results are achieved by utilizing our thorough service model and our innovative technology solutions.

Tradehit as your partner – let’s succeed together!

Our years of experience in the retail environment and our experienced and motivated personnel guarantee an efficient service concept that is tailored, flexible and scalable to your specific needs.

We are always a reliable, committed, and cost-effective partner for our customers and deliver measurable results.

Can we help your company to thrive in the trade environment?

Tradehit’s 360 ° service concept

Sales services

Our sales service offers a transparent, scalable and cost-effective option for an own field organization. For example,

Store renewals and renovations

We offer reliable store renovations and flexible installation services with a comprehensive approach for diverse industries. For example,

Observational data and technology services

Our own operation management and reporting system Tradetool offers observational data to support our customers’ decision making. For example,


Our merchandising services ensure that your products are ideally displayed in the stores – in an agreed location, with correct timing, and with the right price and product information and POS-materials. For example,

Contact us

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